Baby Sensory and my photography journey

October 05, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Last week I started working with Baby Sensory in Winchester, Romsey, Andover and Totton. Within minutes of the first class starting it brought me right back to the reason I started my business. To the moment I realised how special and important moments in classes like these were. From there on in, it was a pretty emotional week!

I was transported back to this time last year, when I was the mother dragging herself out to Baby Sensory classes every Tuesday, desperate to see other mums and do something different. I was anxious, nervous, unsure of what to expect but soon became aware of the benefit classes such as these were having on both myself and my daughter. I would sit in the class and look around at the other mums, dads and grandparents who had suddenly been invited into this whole new world and I looked closely at the moments we were all sharing together. 

The eye contact, the facial expressions, the closeness, the creativity. Never has living in the moment been more of a reality to me, but when you are sleep deprived, haven’t had time to shower, maybe just want to sit and cry with a hot cup of tea, the last thing you can find yourself able to do is enjoy absolutely every moment, it just isn’t possible. But the moments still occur, the tenderness is still emanating from you and you are learning so much about one other, be it at home, or when you are out and about. 

It was an emotional morning last Monday, going back over it all, remembering how I felt when Elsie was just a few months old. It was a proud moment when I realised that my dream of capturing these moments for other mothers had actually become a reality. Last week, I have photographed over 100 parents and children enjoying themselves in their Baby Sensory sessions, hopefully the images show just how precious these classes are and the importance of my presence. This week, I look forward to working with over 100 more! The beauty of these images is clear to see, there are no worries, concerns or anxieties present, the every day noise of the world around them is quietened and the moment itself bring absolute clarity. 

To you, it may be that a class gives you a reason to get out of the house, it may give you something to structure your day around, something to take your mind off of whether your child has napped or fed when they should, a distraction from other stresses and anxieties of the day, or dedicated time you have put aside to spend with your new baby. To me it is something that through my work, you will look back on with fond memories, and you will come to realise the profound effect classes such as Baby Sensory have on not only your babies essential developmental stages, but your journey into parenthood. Its an incredibly difficult time and I am proud to be able to help to suspend these moments in time, highlight the pure joy you and your child are experiencing, and share them with you. 

You will never have this day again with your baby or child, it will pass, they will grow, they will change, and there will be small things that you may forget. I hope that the parents I have worked with will never forget this week, I hope I have enabled a small part of childhood to be captured so that it can be treasured forever, by everyone.



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