Family holiday in Brixham

March 22, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

As the family grows it can become more and more difficult to all get together and spend time with one another. The busy nature of life, geography, whatever the reason, it is important to plan family time in as often as you can. As our family grows, it is important to us to make wonderful memories which we can treasure forever and this year we managed to successfully plan and organise a family week away in Brixham, Devon. We are currently six adults, four children and a dog and we were delighted to arrive in our holiday cottage in Brixham one wet and windy Friday afternoon. 

Although we don't live too far away from my parents and brothers family, we don't get to see each other as often as we would like. It was important to us to spend this quality time together and important to me to capture some precious moments as the unfolded in our house by the sea.

At times like this I find it important not to always be behind the camera, to make sure I continue to immerse myself in the action and don't miss out on the time being spent together. Simple bedtime stories being read by Nanny, running along the beach with Murphy the dog, looking out of the window on the train with Grandad, playing on the swings with Uncle Tim, all moments in time that we may take for granted, but that deserve to be captured and treasured as part of our visual family history. 

Having a photographer to join you on your family holiday may seem like an unnecessary luxury, but if it were me, I would be looking for any way possible to capture the special family moments which are otherwise gone in a flash.


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